Mr. Riste Samardziev, co-founder and owner of the company "Clicon Technologies".
As a part of the annual program of University of Tourism and Management in Skopje on 21.03.2016 year, the Faculty of entrepreneurial business in the class of entrepreneurship and small business, a guest lecturer from practice was Mr. Riste Samardziev, founder and the owner of company "Clicon Technologies", spoke on the theme "From idea to business - Online platform for the growth of small and medium businesses."
Mr. Samardziev as an entrepreneur and business owner pointed situations and challenges for small businesses today, and the impact and effects of the development of information technology on promoting and facilitating their operations. In this regard, students have the opportunity to learn about the stages through which passes the startup and the need of great courage, perseverance, dedication, desire and ambition in creating a successful entrepreneurial story.
In his presentation Mr. Samardziev in detail elaborate the software that their company offers for small businesses available for a monthly subscription, and facilitates and speeds up the management of the documents. Market research suggest the need and interest of small business software, which will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of operations.
Students had the opportunity to complement their theoretical knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship which it acquired in the classroom to a practical example of a business that starts from the beginning by offering innovative product on the Macedonian market with the support of the Fund for Innovation and Technological Development of Republic of Macedonia.